Millions to Quit Smoking Tomorrow for Great American Smokeout

Tomorrow is the Great American Smoke Out—a day sponsored by the American Cancer Society that inspires millions of American smokers across the country to put down cigarettes for 24 hours. Awareness campaigns and other activities that accompany the day often serve as first steps for smokers to begin quitting altogether. While many may turn to Nicorette gum, smoking cessation prescriptions, or challenging their will power in an attempt to kick the habit— these are not the only options available for those looking to permanently put down cigarettes.

Bryan Toder, certified clinical hypnotist and owner of the Plymouth Hypnosis Center, employs hypnosis techniques to help clients quit smoking. While people may be skeptical of this concept, it actually works—as Toder has several hundred success stories on record. “Many assume that people smoke because they are addicted to nicotine,” Toder said. “I believe people smoke because it is a compulsive behavior. There are certain triggers like coffee, finishing a meal, and driving that people associate with smoking, but it can be undone.” By treating smoking as a compulsion rather than an addiction, Toder helps clients dissociate with the need to smoke through hypnosis.

Dr. Anna Tobia, a clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist at Thomas Jefferson Hospital who runs the JeffQuit program also uses hypnosis as a method to help smokers quit smoking. “Smokers use cigarettes as a way of coping,” Tobia said. “They pick them up when they are lonely, and have a strong emotional connection to them.” Tobia and Toder both use hypnosis to help smokers break this emotional connection to cigarettes, but Tobia still believes smoking is a chemical addiction. Toder is adamant that smoking is NOT an addiction, and uses hypnosis to help patients dissociate with the need to smoke as a result of specific triggers.

If you would like to interview Bryan Toder or some of his clients and learn more about his hypnosis method for quitting smoking, please contact Jennifer Sherlock at or at 609-369-3482.
