New Study Shows That the Nicotine Patch Doesn’t Work

Findings released from a recent study funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute suggest that nicotine gum and nicotine patches, also known as nicotine replacement therapy, do not help smokers completely kick the habit.  The study, which documented quitters over two-year spans, found that nearly one third of participants began smoking again regardless of whether they used nicotine replacement therapy.  Why rush out to attempt quitting smoking through nicotine replacement therapy when it appears to be ineffective?  Instead, try an alternative therapy to kick the habit—hypnotherapy.

Bryan Toder, certified clinical hypnotist and owner of the Plymouth Hypnosis Center, uses hypnotherapy to help clients quit smoking. While people may be skeptical of this concept, it actually works—as Toder has several hundred success stories on record. “When you stop smoking, the nicotine leaves your system in three to four days. Therefore it is not an addiction to nicotine that is fueling the behavior,” Toder said. “I believe people smoke because it is a compulsive behavior.  There are certain triggers like coffee, finishing a meal, and driving that people associate with smoking, but it can be undone.” By treating smoking as a compulsion rather than an addiction, Toder helps clients dissociate with the need to smoke through hypnosis.

Now is the time to leave Nicorette on your local pharmacy’s shelves and see how you can kick the habit through hypnotherapy.  If you would like to interview Bryan Toder and learn more about his hypnosis method for quitting smoking, please contact Jennifer Sherlock at .
