Kayden’s Korner Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Golf Outing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  CONTACT: Jennifer Sherlock at jsherlock@jennacommunications.com 609-369-3482   ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Kayden’s Korner Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Golf Outing...

Jenna Communications Fall 2020 Newsletter

LifeBrand Solves People’s Reputation Like No One Else Can

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media Contact: Jennifer Sherlock (609) 369-3482 jsherlock@jennacommunications.com  Business Mogul Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful,” awards Founder of...

Bianca’s Kids Celebrates 10 Years of Making Wishes Come True

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Jennifer Sherlock (609) 369-3482 jsherlock@jennacommunications.com Bianca’s Kids Celebrates 10 Years of Making Wishes Come...

Philly RACES Sponsors Stay Fit Philly Challenge to Encourage People to Stay Active Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Jennifer Sherlock jsherlock@jennacommunications.com 609.369.3482 Stay Fit Philly Challenge  Philly RACES Sponsors a Stay Fit Philly...

Labor Day 2020 Edition Newsletter

Labor Day 2020 Edition Newsletter “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were...

South Jersey TECH Company Sees Pandemic Business Pivot as a Future Success

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Jennifer Sherlock jsherlock@jennacommunications.com 609.369.3482 South Jersey TECH Company Sees Pandemic Business Pivot as a Future...

Local Marketing Agency Finds Exponential Growth During Pandemic

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Jennifer Sherlock jsherlock@jennacommunications.com 609.369.3482 Local Marketing Agency Finds Exponential Growth During Pandemic Earns ranking...

Palace Diner Transforms Parking Lot Into a Tropical Experience Diners Are Shore to Love

Longing for a tropical getaway? No need to pack your bags. Just visit the Palace Diner in Berlin, New Jersey. The...