PR Tip of the Month: Mistakes to Avoid on LinkedIn

Check out Jenna Communications’ PR Tip of the Month on common mistakes people make on LinkedIn. It will help you become a better user and a more respected member of the LinkedIn community.

Bad Habits to Avoid on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best resources for networking and making professional connections, but there are some common mistakes people make when approaching this social media platform. Today we will cover habits to avoid as a LinkedIn user.

• Don’t over-update your profile: People do not check LinkedIn profiles nearly as often as Facebook and Twitter. Try to post content to LinkedIn no more than twice a day so connections don’t miss your content. Also, content posted to a LinkedIn profile should provide a professional benefit to your connections—whether it is a new tip on networking or an interesting news article that relates to your particular industry. It is not the appropriate place for personal statuses.

• Don’t Blindly Connect: LinkedIn is not the place to blindly add hundreds of connections so your profile appears busy, like a Twitter account. When making connections, research who will be interested in your skills, products or services and then try to reach out. If you would like to connect with a professional you don’t know, see if you have any second or third degree connections to the individual and then try to utilize the LinkedIn referral system.

• Avoid spamming your connections: LinkedIn is not the place to blast promotional products and services because users find it incredibly annoying. This type of content fits better in a targeted email campaign.

• Remove inaccuracies: Your LinkedIn profile is like a digital resume. Make sure all information can be verified, because you never know when a future employer may research your work history.

By following some of these key tips, you will become a more respected member of the LinkedIn community.
