Check out Jenna Communications’ April PR Tip of the Month

Spring is here, and that means it’s prime time for special events. In our latest PR Tip of the Month, Jenna Communications’ president Jennifer Sherlock walks you through some important elements to consider when hosting a special event for your organization.

Now that spring is here, we are in prime season for special events. While social media and digital outreach is highly important, nothing can fully replace good old face-to-face communication that takes place during events. In fact, a recent study found that 95% of event participants are more likely to purchase a product or service that was directly promoted to them. Now, we will look at what elements to consider to make your event successful.
• Find the right fit: Make sure the event you are planning is consistent with your organization’s brand. At the end of the day, it should back up your business values and priorities to ensure that when people leave they are more likely to engage with your company.

• Promote, Promote, Promote!: Find every channel and every angle possible to promote your event. Take social media by storm and feature any guest speakers who are attending. Ask them to cross-promote on their social media, too. Send info to all your personal email contacts, and also put together an email blast to send to your official lists. Don’t forget to involve the media, as they can help amplify your reach and spread your name even farther.

• Make Events Fun and interactive: Always try to bring in that “it” factor that will make your event pop! Whether it’s a surprise guest appearance or unique group activity, all events need that extra piece to make them memorable. This will help get people to continue to engage with your brand long after the event has ended.

• Share Your Event Results: Don’t forget to survey attendees for direct feedback. While you may have hosted the most awesome event ever, you can always learn from it to do even better in the future.

Happy Spring and best of luck with your next big event!
