Coping With A Stress A Decade Later

With the 10th anniversary of September 11 quickly approaching, many are beginning to relive the crushing grief caused by that fateful day. The haunting images of the burning World Trade towers that will be dredged up and spread all over the media can cause many to feel overbearing stress and anxiety from their grief. To mask these symptoms, people immediately turn to drinking, depressed thoughts and fear; however, there is a much healthier alternative to coping with these feelings.

Bryan Toder, certified clinical hypnotist and owner of the Plymouth Hypnosis Center, employs hypnosis techniques to help patients get through grief and stress issues.  While people may be skeptical of this concept, it is actually a suitable alternative because hypnosis allows patients to dissociate from their grief. “By dissociating from your grief, I can help you turn down the volume on those overpowering thoughts,” Toder said. “This allows patients to feel better, think more clearly, and live again.”

As an entire nation, the United States will be grieving for the next few weeks. If you would like to interview Bryan Toder and learn more about hypnosis as an alternative to handling grief issues, please contact Jennifer Sherlock at or Katie Spilman at
