How Being Selfish Can Help You Lose Weight

Be Selfish and Find A Better You!

Selfishness Can Go A Long Way

PHILADELPHIA, August 25, 2011— Do you always go out of your way for people and put your own needs last?  Well you may want to stop because you could be ruining your health instead of creating a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Bryan Toder of the Lafayette Hill-based Plymouth Hypnosis Center shows in his new book entitled, “Get Thin- Be Happy!: Six Easy Ways to Weight Loss Success” that being selfish can actually improve your lifestyle.

“Something called Messiah Martyr Syndrome is getting in the way of people making time for their own happiness,” said Toder. “Stop being a victim of it. People do not have enough time or energy for themselves after taking care of kids, family members, significant others, their boss, etc. Quite frankly, if they get sick because they didn’t take care of themselves, then who is going to save their world?”

“You have to put yourself first, and then save the world,” said Toder.

The certified clinical hypnotist can help fix people’s weight loss problems through hypnosis in addition to the proper diet. His book, “Get Thin-Be Happy!: Six Easy Steps to Weight Loss Success” has hundreds of success stories from people who re-created their mental and physical lives through the power of his book. Here are a few other tips found in the book:

–       Avoid skipping meals

–       Eat like a small child; only eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re comfortable

–       Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake

–       Avoid high fat foods

–       Drink water and stay hydrated

Read more about the book and buy it here:

Disclaimer from Bryan Toder: I recommend that you see your physician before using any advice. Please contact Bryan Toder at 610-397-1515.

