Want the Perfect Brow? Discover Microblading at Beau



Media Contact:
Jennifer Sherlock
Phone: 6093693482
Email: jsherlock@jennacommunications.com


The Beau Institute is restoring confidence in women and men with new advanced cosmetic procedures
Discover the Benefits of Permanent Makeup

MT.LAUREL, NJ – October 13, 2016 – Beau Institute is a leading professional program that trains permanent cosmetic and medical professionals on the latest and most advanced corrective cosmetic techniques. Rose Marie Beauchemin, founder of the school and public clinic, is a world-recognized expert in the field of permanent cosmetics (micro pigmentation) with over 25 years of experience in both the area of training and application.

The Beau Institute offers an extensive list of cosmetic procedures such as permanent brow, permanent eyeliner, permanent lip color and enhancing, 3-dimensional areola tattooing, scar camouflage, and is open to the public. One of our most popular procedures is microblading, a current technique that creates super fine simulation to get a beautiful fuller brow. Beauchemin, known as the “Queen of Brows”, uses her exclusive system called CPR (Control Point Remedy) to design brows to suit your face in its entirety while complimenting every feature. The eyebrow is the “power feature” of the face and a well-designed brow has the potential to create a youthful lift. The arch of the brows tends to thin out first and this is the part that gives lift to the cheekbones. The detailed techniques lend movement, depth, and dimension. Brows appear totally natural and lend personal freedom from the laborious chore of applying them each morning. The permanent brows sometimes give our elated clients an additional 30 minutes of sleep each morning, and save them the additional re-application often required throughout the day.

The Beau Institute is also known for their annual “Day of Hope” event where practitioners spend the day performing complimentary 3-dimensional areola nipple tattooing for post-mastectomy patients. The main purpose of the event is to empower breast cancer survivors and to inspire hope in the community. Beauchemin states, “What it does for a woman in making her feel whole again is pretty amazing. We at Beau rebuild hope, and self-confidence for post-mastectomy clients. After enduring the long battle with cancer, a woman loses her hair, her eyebrows, and lashes, and also her self-worth. To be part of her healing, is something that brings me so much joy. Creating and teaching the realism and dimension of a natural areola complex is without a doubt the most exciting part of my profession.” This year the event takes place on October 26, 2016.

Founder Rose Beauchemin states, “With my years of experience in this field, my main goal is to give my patients the confidence they always wanted, and by teaching my students the techniques, it is just a great chain reaction of people helping people. My hope for the future is to continue to teach and perform these life changing procedures for years to come.” The Beau institute continues to generate success stories year after year.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit Beau Institute online at www.beauinstitute.com or call (888)-763-2328.

As a practitioner, Rose Marie’s artistry is unparalleled. Her extensive training and experience include facial morphology, paramedical cosmetics, color theory and analysis. She is known among colleagues as “The Brow Doctor” for her ability to create seemingly natural and beautiful hair simulated eyebrows personally designed for her clients’ unique faces.

Rose Marie customizes each permanent cosmetics procedure to flatter each of her clients’ individual features, whether it is eyeliner, lip liner/reshaping, 3-dimensional areola tattooing, or scar camouflage. By using the most effective topical anesthetics, pigments, and advanced techniques currently available in the permanent makeup industry, Rose Marie has a fundamental understanding of how to achieve the best results.
