Changing Times: Social Media & Business Success

In a world where life seems to exist in the palm of our hand; where anything dubbed newsworthy can be uploaded and shared instantly with  “friends” and where things that get deleted are never really gone, how invested should a business be in maintaining a social media presence? Are businesses that adopt the cultural practice at an advantage over competitors that have not kept up-to-date with the changing fad?

Social media is transforming the traditional business-client relationship from a one way street to a more collaborative effort . It allows companies to communicate with clients quickly and frequently about new  ideas, product reviews and upcoming releases, etc. Engaging your current audience in the conversation will create positive buzz around your business while expanding your brand to a new client base.

Take the recent social media sensation that has been bombarding every social media outlet, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the “Ice Bucket Challenge”. Due to the hype on the web, the message has reached millions upon millions of people, connected ordinary people with their favorite celebrities and raised an estimated $5.5 million dollars in a two week span. In the same time frame last year only $32,000 was raised. Talk about using social media to your advantage!

Businesses that do not maintain its social media pages are likely to fall to those that do. It has been said that businesses that do not jump on the social media bandwagon and give the mediums proper attention, within the next few years, will not survive. The world wide web was created to connect people, embrace it!

Let us know how you have utilized social media to enhance your business!

Written by Nicole Scamuffo
