The evolution of social media in PR

Technology has evolved into something that we have become reliant on in many different ways. Due to the hype, popularity, and spotlight that the media is in today we consider them a credible and reliable source of information, or form of entertainment. Media outlets such as social media accounts, have become the go to place to receive daily news, inspiration, updates for a company and so on. Social media can bring out the best and worst in an individual, even in regards to Pope Francis the highlight of recent news stories.

Bringing in hundreds of thousands of people to Philadelphia, last weekend after an uplifting and inspiring visit from Pope Francis, social media was overflowing with posts, negative and positive, but overall positive. Between news stations, companies, general public, and so forth the Pope was the topic of the week. Social media allows people to feel empowered and stay connected to the world around them, and expose themselves to knowledge they may not have known otherwise.

Social media gives an opportunity for those to expand their target audience. This proved true with the visit of Pope Francis, resulting in him leaving Philadelphia with 7.48M followers. After the love and support of those that wanted to keep up with the updates from him and Vatican City he created an Instagram to further keep his fans involved. Brand awareness is crucial to a company, or an individual and the limitless reach that social media provides is incomparable to anything else. The bond that comes along with the technological advancements, allows a viewer to feel a connection between the company, person, or news article/post they are reading.

The connection and hardship that was felt within the posts of the Brazilian family that traveled 13,000 miles, 194 days, and through 13 countries to witness the powerful presence of Pope Francis speaks volumes. We as humans become so emotionally invested and attached into a situation that we put ourselves in their shoes and the writings about someone else for a split second becomes our reality. That is the beautiful thing about words and the power that comes along with it. Social media and technology is a blessing and a curse to this society. The speed that news now can travel is frightening but also amazing. Social media has brought a great deal of power, success, inspiration, emotions, and expansion to companies and individuals worldwide.
